(Written by ReAnn Ring) I learned something a long time ago ... a fact that I am still applying to certain undeniable areas of the mind, heart, and soul. That fact is this - Satan will establish a platform of a lie in our life as early as he can -- fulfilling his wiles and modus operandi as a "thief", according to John 10:10, "to kill, steal, and destroy". The earlier in our lives he can plant his bitter root - the better. He works diligently at keeping his agenda in place in our mind that naturally floods down into the heart. Over time, he and our own minds, our flesh, remind us of his and another's damaging messages to keep us defeated and ineffective in God's realm of work. If he can convince us to exchange truth, or even our lack of wisdom and knowledge of truth, for a lie, that is highly self-and-other-destructive, then he spins well and with skill his web which can be so difficult to escape. Jesus called him the father of lies so many centu...