I HAVE NEVER BEEN MARRIED, AND NEITHER HAVE I EVER BEEN DIVORCED. I Corinthians 7:8, " But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is g ood for them if they remain (single) even as I am." Years ago Elisabeth Elliot spoke at a women's conference at my church where I served as her tech attendant for speaking at the podium. In one of her sessions, I nearly fell off of the front row pew when I heard her say that she didn't care for "dating" and that it is a man-made tradition no where found in the Word of God. Suddenly everything I ever felt about this topic and the discomfort of the expectation of having a relationship made perfect sense and applauded the Lord and her for making my life whole at that moment. Everyone there, married or single, divorced or widowed, all came into hearty agreement as she dispelled some of the mess we have created by interacting dynamics of men and women outside of the Biblical way. She was a great proponent on the provid...